Say Whaaaat?! Public Enemy Releases New Music for FREE! [LISTEN HERE]

I don't know where I've been but this dropped out of the sky yesterday and I had no clue! Looks like the entire crew of Public Enemy, including Flava Flav and Chuck D, reunited and gave us all something to party to just in time for the holiday! The entire album is FREE for a limited time only and can be downloaded HERE! There are 13 tracks on "Nothing Is Quick In The Desert" and there isn't one that I have to skip. I'm partial to "Yesterday Man" simply because I secretly love heavy metal and it's got some great metal guitar on the track. Did I mention that this track also throws shade at Kanye, Run DMC and all of these current rappers? No? Oh, well it does.
Trust me, you want to grab this one. Don't trust me, take a listen to all of the tracks below and make your own decisions. CAUTION: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE but you already knew that didn't you?
Now that you've listened, tell me what your favorite track is in the comments below!