Usher Being Sued by Three More Victims but the Third One is a SHOCKER!

Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about the Usher/Non-Disclosure situation, there comes another headline to teach you that you know NOTHING! In case you haven't heard, R&B Singer Usher paid out a hefty sum to a woman he allegedly infected with the herpes virus a few years ago. The case was kept under wraps until recently and that's when another woman came forward with a $10 million claim that she, too, had been infected. Well, as of today THREE MORE victims have come forward to stake their claim as well.
So far all of the victims have been using the same celebrity lawyer, Lisa Bloom, who specializes in high profile cases with big time celebrities.
According to TMZ Bloom says:
"she'll file the suit Monday in California and hold a news conference in NYC to correspond with the filing. One of the women will appear at the news conference. The 2 others will remain anonymous and will appear in the lawsuits only as Jane Doe and John Doe.
Bloom says all 3 individuals claim to have had sexual contact with Usher after 2012, and he failed to warn them he allegedly had an STD."
There has been no response from Usher's camp yet and we're not sure if the gentleman victim contracted the disease because he was involved with one of the women victims OR if he contracted the virus the "traditional" first-hand way.
Love who you love but, WRAP IT UP PLEASE!
This is getting messier by the minute!