Director of Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Caught on Video Harassing a Mother and Child for Being &

Dear Lord there's a new one every single week! This week's "You Should Have Just Minded Your Own Business" Award goes to #SidewalkSusie! "Susie", whose real name is Theresa Lund, was caught on video harassing a white mother and her biracial daughter who she accused of making too much noise outside of her window while playing. It was 3:30pm. Who's taking a nap then?
Here are the details:
"Alyson Laliberte filmed some of her encounter with Theresa Lund, the executive director of Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, an academic and research center in humanitarian crisis and leadership at Harvard University, on Saturday.
Dubbing the woman 'another Permit Patty,' Laliberte shared the clip on her Facebook page, where it has since attracted more than 700,000 views.In the clip, Lund is seen sat on the sidewalk accusing Laliberte and her three-year-old daughter, who is biracial, of disturbing her children's sleep.
Laliberte wrote on Facebook that Lund, whose name she didn't know at the time, asked her repeatedly if she lived in an 'affordable unit' at the condominium complex in Cambridge, Massachusetts, near Harvard University.
Lund apologized for the incident on her personal Facebook page, saying she was 'terribly sorry' about the exchange and that she had apologized to Laliberte and her daughter in person.
'What I said was inappropriate and wrong,' Lund wrote.
'I should not have addressed her daughter and there was no reason for me to ask what type of unit she lives in.'
She added: 'I am accountable for my actions and ask for their forgiveness for a moment in which I fell far short of my values and what I expect of myself.
'I love our community and am committed [sic] engaging in dialogue and action about how to make it more welcoming and pleasant for us to live in together.'
She has since taken down her social media pages and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative has removed her biography from its website. has contacted the HHI for comment.
On Facebook, Laliberte branded the woman in her video 'racist' and 'totally discriminating' - while others on social media branded her a 'Nap Time Nancy' and 'Sidewalk Susie.'

She wrote: 'Y'all here is another Permit Patty trying to kick me off my own property because she's having a hard time getting her kids to take a nap at 3:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday.
'I'm outside enjoying the afternoon with my daughter when this women came downstairs and asked me if I would move so her kids can nap.'
She added that she and her daughter 'weren't even being loud' and were simply drawing with chalk.
The woman followed her around and harassed her 'trying to get my information and apartment number as if she had a right to know,' Laliberte said.
She added: 'When I wouldn't tell her she proceeded to ask me if I lived in the 'affordable apartments' of the building for Cambridge residents or if I lived in one of the Harvard owned apartments (which is all the same building anyways).
'It was totally discriminating and racist of her… or maybe it was because my daughter is biracial who knows'"
I just need to know when are folks going to learn to mind their own business? Haven't they learned yet that harassing and calling the cops on people for no reason will ruin their own livelihood? Somebody remind me again what a "humanitarian" is again?
Welp. . . let's see who's next!