Woman Slashes Man's Throat at a Taco Bell for Telling Her to "Zip It" Sentenced to 7 Y

22-year-old Caley Mason will spend the next seven years in jail after she was caught on video slashing a man's throat.
The incident happened July 9th of this year when the victim, Jason Luczkow, 48, says that he went to the Taco Bell restaurant to pick up food for his wife and children. While he was in the restaurant he says Ms. Mason began berating and arguing with the employees about the time it took to prepare her order.
Instead of idly standing by in silence, Luczkow says he told Mason to "be quiet" and to "zip it". Mason then turned her rage toward him. The employees asked Mason to leave the store and when she did, it wasn't for long.
Mason returned with a knife and slashed Luczkow's throat!
Luczkow told Oregon Live “My wife thought I was playing a practical joke with the hot sauce packets,” he said. “Needless to say, I didn’t get my order that night.”
Luzckow said Mason sped off in a silver Kia Soul that almost ran over his wife, who had pursued the knife-wielding woman.
Cops pulled over the car a short time later, police said. Inside were Mason, her boyfriend Phillip Thomas and Mason’s two young children, ages 2 and 4, said Clackamas County prosecutor Matt Semritc.
The suspect’s blond wig was no longer on top of her head."
Luczkow was left with an eight-inch wound that required 100 stitches. “She missed my jugular, missed my carotid artery by millimeters," he said “It’s gruesome. It looks like I’m dead.”

Evidently, this wasn't Mason's first run in with the law. According to prosecutors, Mason was on state supervision for an armed robbery conviction in Maryland after she held up a pizza delivery man inside her home.Meanwhile, Mason’s children have reportedly returned to Maryland with a relative, police said.
Mason's boyfriend, Phillip Thomas, was also arrested for tampering with evidence. Police say that Thomas was hiding Mason's wig in his sweatpants when they were pulled over.
Thomas' case was later dismissed.
Luczkow has grown a beard to cover the scar the 100 stitches left behind but nothing will take away the memories of what happened.