Camille Cosby Speaks Up on Current Protests and Says White Women Have Been Lying on Black Men for Ye

If you've counted Camille Cosby out since the scandal surrounding her husband, Bill Cosby, you're wrong! Mrs. Cosby has been behind the scenes shaking things up in the justice system quietly for years. This morning the 76-year-old GORGEOUS woman sat down with Black Press USA to speak out on the systemic racism in this country, how they lies of White women have destroyed Black men and even how her own family dealt with the racially motivated murder of her only son.
During the interview Mrs. Cosby, who referred to her husband as "Mr. C.", spoke about how he had been instrumental in making sure that the entertainment industry changed the narrative on how Black people were viewed in this country. "He never used the word nigger." she says "He made sure that the word 'different' was seen as good and not bad" referring to how older cartoons always showed the villains as Black or wearing black to prove they were dark and evil. She said that, over time, Black people begin to see that narrative as true, even of themselves, and we have to change that NOW just as "Mr. C." had done in the past.
Mrs. Cosby went on to say that racism is a mental illness and that the conversation on how to end racism needs to start with White people. "They need to have that discussion amongst themselves" and face their own brutal history.
This entire interview is powerful and desperately needed at a time like this. Take some time and listen to the interview below then, share your thoughts.
It was wonderful to hear these words from a woman who has lived through the first revolution, walked in the shoes of a mother who has lost her child to racism and a wife who still stands by her husband, no matter what, and protects his legacy.
We are definitely going to use her words as a blueprint to build upon and move forward.