DISGUSTING! Man Found to have a Dropbox FULL of Child Pornography Walks Free!
The way this country refuses to protect women and children is absolutely disgusting!
A Pennsylvania man is FREE today even after he was found to have a perverted hoard of child pornography.
Denver, Pa investigators were alerted in September that Jonathan Granados, 21, may have been involved in handling suspicious files containing sex acts against children. The East Cocalico Township police were tipped off by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children which prompted the investigation.
The investigators executed a search warrant of Granados' home in September seizing his computers and phones. What they found turned their stomachs!
Police said they discovered 107 videos and 10 images of child pornography in his Dropbox account. Also found were 15 videos and seven images involving sexual contact and intercourse with a child, and at least one video of bestiality police said.
The investigation proved that the videos and images were uploaded to the Dropbox account from Granados' home address.
Granados was taken into custody but wasn't held very long. He was released on $20,000 unsecured bail and walked out free. He's been charged with possession of child pornography.
This man is sick and deserves to be locked up! PERIOD!